Dr. Precious Taylor-Clifton woke up one morning with a fever and extreme pain in her breast. Just a few months beforehand, she had found a lump in her breast, but figured she had…
Dr. Precious Taylor

Dr. Precious Taylor-Clifton woke up one morning with a fever and extreme pain in her breast. Just a few months beforehand, she had found a lump in her breast, but figured she had somehow hurt herself. “The thought never crossed my mind that it was cancer,” said Precious. After all, there was no history of cancer in her family. After months of questions, tests and second opinions, Precious was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. “I remember when my husband and I were listening to the doctor. It felt like I was not present,” she recalled. “I was physically there, but everything he was saying did not register in my brain, it did not sound like he was speaking to me.” Although her immediate family did not live in the area, she still received an abundance of support. She spoke to family every day after her surgery. Her son flew from New York to stay with her, her husband and friends from church made meals for her and even accompanied her to doctors’ appointments. Despite all of the challenges that Precious faced, she maintained her faith. The love and support of her community was endless. When the frustration of the journey became too heavy, she took as much time as she needed to re-group and refocus her mind on the blessings of God and serving others. “I also keep busy helping others,” said Precious. “I sew for an organization that supports kids going through cancer. Once a month, we make pillowcases and send them to hospitals for the kids… Every day, I thank God for another chance.”